
Showing posts from August, 2007

Perkembangan Windows

Windows Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan perusahaan milik Bill Gates ini. Sebagian besar pengguna komputer pasti menggunakan salah satu dari produknya. Dan salah satu produk yang paling banyak digunakan adalah system operasi yang bernama Microsoft Windows. Windows 1.0 Sejarah Windows diawali saat Microsoft memulai pengembangan Interface Manager, yang kemudian hari diubah namanya menjadi Microsoft Windows pada September 1981. Pada prototype pertama, interface Windows menggunakan menu yang ada di bawah layer. Tapi kemudian interface itu berubah menjadi menu pull down dan kotak dialog seperti yang digunakan pada Xerox Star. Hal itu terjadi di tahun 1982. Microsoft mengumumkan Windows di bulan November 1983. Sebelumnya telah ada system operasi lain yang sudah dirilis terlebih dahulu, seperti VisiOn, TopView dan Apple Lisa. Dan setelahnya ada GEM, DESQ, Amiga Workbench, GEOS/GeoWorks Ensemble,IBM OS/2,NeXTstep dan DeskMate. Di dalam promosinya, Windows menjanjikan suatu interface

Basic Search Tips

Take advantage of Teoma's three types of responses: Results : Highly authoritative web pages relevant to your search. Refine : Suggestions to narrow your search to specific topics. Resources : These web pages contain collections of links about general subjects related to your search. They are compiled by topic experts and enthusiasts from around the world. In addition, they often categorize and provide editorial comments on the web links they list, serving as information resource pages. For example, search for search engine at Teoma: The left column of Teoma's result page gives popular web search sites. On the top of the right column are suggested refinements to focus your search. Under the suggested refinements are resource pages containing summaries and site listings for all kinds of search engines on the web. Tips on typing search terms on Teoma: Input terms to specify that result pag

Computer System To Fit Every Need

The computer now is offer many variety of system for users choose. Computer system are generally in one of four categories: small, or micro computer, medium size or midrange computer, large or mainframe computer and super powerful supercomputers. In practice, classifying a computer into one of these five categories by size alone is not always completely accurate. Large midrange computer, for example, often are bigger than small mainframes. In addition, the types of computers that fit into each category are continually changing as technology changes, so these categories can't be defined precisely and instead used as general guidelines. As a rule of thumb, larger computer have greater processing power. For example, big computers usually process data faster than small computer. Big computer can also accomodate larger and more powerful peripheral devices. Naturally, more powerful computers and peripherals equipment have bigger price. A computer system can cost anywhere a few hundred d

Investasi Asia Bersama

Sebelumnya gw sieh sering dapet informasi investasi atau mlm yang menjanjikan....tapi sieh gak percaya, paling juga disuruh jual itu jual ini supaya bisa dapet members..... Kemudian gw dikasi tau ama om gw ada investasi menarik, tadinya sieh juga kurang percaya... tapi waktu dikasi tau syaratnya cuma modal 20ribu rupiah trus kaga usah ngejual produk keorang cukup dengan pikir apa salahnya dicoba...ya paling ilang 20 ribu...gpplah...itung2 ngerasain....ternyata asik juga..sudah ada yang jadi member..itung punya itung, kalo kita dapet member 5 orang aja kita dah balik modal, belum lagi kebawah2nya....ya cukup menarik sieh gak perl repot...syaratnya cukup punya ATM BCA aja....nah kalo ada yang berminta mo nyoba klik aja disini.... met mencoba